komunitas blogger bondowoso

SELAMAT DATANG di Komunitas Blogger Bondowoso, dengan bangga kami putra daerah bondowoso mempersembahkan blog yang berisi edukasi dan informasi tentang blog dan kota bondowoso tercinta,wujudkan Bondowoso Menuju KOTA BLOG 2010, dukungan dari berbagai pihak sangat kami butuhkan, kritik dan saran tetap kami tunggu VIA email di bloggerbondowoso@gmail.com bagi semua pihak yang ingin menyumbangkan ide, pemikiran, bantuan harap dikirimkan via email atau via telf di 081703020056

photo disamping diambil oleh salah satu kameramen luar negeri mungkin 7 tahun lalu, begitu mempesonanya salah satu kekayaan bondowoso in dimasa silam, banyak kala itu banyak sekali semua pihak yang mempublikasikan keindahan yancak kembar bondowoso ini, baik dimedia maupun pameran tak ketinggalan ketika karnaval 17 agustus banyak pihak yang ikut serta dengan mempublikasikan keindhan airterjuan kembar ini

Wana wisata air terjun Tancak Kembar Andongsari yang terletak di Desa Andongsari Kecamatan Pakem sekitar 25 km arah barat dari kota Bondowoso. Tinggi tebing air terjun ini 77 m yang berhawa sejuk terdapat pada kawasan hutan lindung dengan ketinggian 900 m dpl. Pemanfaatan air terjun sampai saat ini tidak hanya untuk tempat rekreasi saja, akan tetapi untuk sarana irigasi, bahkan menurut masyarakat setempat, orang yang mandi disini dapat menambah awet muda. Lokasi obyek ini didukung oleh panorama alam yang indah dan menawan untuk dinikmati oleh pengunjung, serta didukung adanya pusat penelitian kopi arabica dan cacao seluas 180 Ha.

tapi kini???
hampir dikatakan tidak ada wisatawan mancanegara berwisata atau paling tidak singgah disini

pertama: parahnya kerusakan jalan yang menyulitkan akses jalan menuju kawasan wisata ini, dan tidak adanya sarana angkutan menuju ke objek wisata tersebut,
Kedua: sering terjadi longsor pada daerah ini, jalan yang SANGT curam menyebabkan wisatawan enggan dan khawatir

dan yang teramat penting, tepat di tempat wisata air mancur(tancak kembar) sangat dan sangat tidak terawat, faktor keamanan juga dipertimbangkan oleh para wisatwan mengingat seringnya terjadi tindak kriminal didaerah ini

nah jikalau sudah terjadi seperti ini, siapa yang bersalah??
mungkin pertanyaan itu terlalu manis untuk dijawab, yang pasti Kepada bapak pemerintah khususnya bapak BUPATI agar lebih memperhatikan hal ini, apakah bondowoso akan tetap menyandang gelar kehormatan KOTA MATI/PENSIUN
:t --> , sepertinya tidak lucu, dan kepada bakap Bupati YangBARU (ingat loh pak mereka milih sampeyan agar paling tidak bisamengubah bondowoso menjadi lebih sukur-sukur sangat baik, dan perjuangan kami mohon didukung agar 2009 menjadi BONDOWOSO KOTA BLOG...keren kan...

ditulis oleh kanghabaib www.habaib.co.nr

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PTC or Paid to Click program is a business that can generate dollars without having to remove the capital, the work must be done is also very simple, that is every day we are assigned only to click on ads that are worth a dollar and a dollar to be collected for a certain amount can mencairkannya.

Any PTC sites to give a dollar value is different for each click the ad. The more often we are clicking on ads the more dollar value that can be collected.

To withdraw dollars, required a Virtual Bank account from electronic payment as a tool or a regular known e-Currency, and this is the Virtual Bank account can then be disbursed in the form of Rupiah through Local Bank Indonesia (BCA / MANDIRI / BNI). Among the e-Currency used is Alertpay, Paypal, e-Gold etc..

However, we only provide a sign-up for e-Currency AlertPay because AlertPay is the one that is used by many sites to pay for the PTC's members. Click here for how to open an account AlertPay.

PTC is 100% FREE. PTC bermodalkan only "browsing". There is no payment for registration, there is no money to be transferred, the capital actually "0" rupiah.

The advantages of the PTC in comparison with the other is:
- Registration method is relatively easy to understand and easy to do, and most important FREE.
- Activities should be done "very very very easy", just click the 5 - 10 ad (link ads) every day, you only need it every day loh.
- Revenue earned dollars even though a small but sure paid (really small, but eventually many)

Benefits that can be obtained from the PTC is, you will be paid from the ad that was clicked if it has reached a value / amount disbursed to a minimum, with illustrations of the following:

Value of each ad click PTC average $ 0.01 per click.
If you click on a day in ad 10, then your earnings are $ 0.01 per day x 10 ads = $ 0.1 or $ 0.1 for a month x 30 days = $ 3.

$ 3 seems to be a value be calculated is very small, but whoa brur ....!!! because this new PTC 1. Well, if you register 10 PTC so $ 30 per is not right? If 20? or 30? But with only 1 join PTC you can get earning $ 600 per month, I want to do? Click here.

Nah, that you can succeed in PTC programs then you must also be careful because it is not also a bit of PTC SCAM eyebrow deceptive because they do not pay members. Sites that we referensikan are sites which have paid members and has many direferensikan by Netter. In addition, we also explain sites that SCAM and fraud so that you can avoid doing the work that dispose waste of time. We will periodically provide information sites SCAM and so the new aja .. SCAM

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Download ziddu.com dapet duit?, Ayo who want to

What is Ziddu? Ziddu.com is a digital data storage (file hosting services) where we will be paid for each of the files we download.
In general, you will be paid $ 0001 for each one-time download and $ 0.1 for each time promoting (refer a friend) Ziddu to other people.
Excess Ziddu another in the process is fast upload and download, while this is also minimal images containing elements of pornography. I also choose this temporary place Ziddu for upload.

Find additional revenue in your blog, please list Ziddu.
The process of payment can be made through paypal and money bookers.
The kekurangannya:
1. Download not directly, you must go through two pages and the last need to fill out the code.
2. Some internet providers to block Ziddu as reported by visitors to this blog.
Interested? Ziddu please click the image to the left of this article.

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Search for Available Job Through Freelance in Scriptlance
May i know about on this site scriplance. This site is available in a variety of freelance jobs that we can take to be done and of course later we will get paid. Alternative jobnya numerous, ranging from programming, design, web, Marketing, SEO, Type writing and others. However, to get a job-job is not easy. We have to compete with the other competitors to get the job offered.

How it works is we find a suitable job with us, then if we could have met bid (bid) job, the big ask with the charge that we want and how long we are able to do the job. And of course this will be very influential on the bids received or not we should be because we compete with other job hunters. Eg If we have a bid and then after we waiting ago we approved the bid for the flee, because the later the employers will be able to give up work penilain us. And this assessment is very important because the future can affect the granting of the other.

We do not charge to sign up for free alias disitus it. But we will be subject to discounts of 5% of pay that we receive. To pembayaranya method can be via check or paypal. So I have one I just try us. I never nyoba dah dapet job and had the results and also sizeable. Come for the interested and have the ability aja please try registering with the www.scriplance.com. Free ko

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free dollar from bizhat.com
I have one more program peraup dollar. This program is almost the same as ziddu, the system is how we file upload dapet dollar if there is a download file. His name is BizHat. But the program has BizHat excess compared ziddu, what's that?

benefits the first time we list akan langsung dapet kucuran fund of $ 1 (tolerable), how the excess is the minimum withdrawal. I ziddu limit penarikannya is $ 10 but that this (BizHat) penarikannya limit is $ 5, so we only need $ 4 more to be able to taste the results first. Bayarannya will be sent via paypal.

Here's feature2 more BizHat:

1. Unlimited storage capacity.
2. Maximum per file uploads for 200 MB.
3. $ 0001 per unique downloads.
4. $ 0.1 per referral who registers.
5. $ 1 bonus when signing up.

Now for that gain of additional prey register. Lists them through sini aja ya, so referalku alias, I just know that ngasih this info to you, I have ruginya kok. OK .

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