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I have one more program peraup dollar. This program is almost the same as ziddu, the system is how we file upload dapet dollar if there is a download file. His name is BizHat. But the program has BizHat excess compared ziddu, what's that?
benefits the first time we list akan langsung dapet kucuran fund of $ 1 (tolerable), how the excess is the minimum withdrawal. I ziddu limit penarikannya is $ 10 but that this (BizHat) penarikannya limit is $ 5, so we only need $ 4 more to be able to taste the results first. Bayarannya will be sent via paypal.
Here's feature2 more BizHat:
1. Unlimited storage capacity.
2. Maximum per file uploads for 200 MB.
3. $ 0001 per unique downloads.
4. $ 0.1 per referral who registers.
5. $ 1 bonus when signing up.
Now for that gain of additional prey register. Lists them through sini aja ya, so referalku alias, I just know that ngasih this info to you, I have ruginya kok. OK .